Life Does Not Stand Still: Wheelchair model
My name is Kononets Oksana, I'm 24 years old and I live in Kiev, Ukraine. On August 23rd, 2013 my life was divided into two parts: BEFORE and AFTER. BEFORE is a period of my life when I was a carefree youth, a student, did my favorite hobby and had a lot of dreams. However, a small mistake led to a big change in my life.
One day, as a result of an accident, I received a severe fracture of the cervical spine, paralysis, and then went to rehabilitation and treatment for years. But life does not stand still and I have realized that a wheelchair is not an obstacle to achieve the goals and to fulfill my dreams.
Once, I caught an eye of the TV series about girls in wheelchairs. One of the characters, a girl, had the same injury as me. She did not have arms and legs, but she became one of the most famous models of the world. “And why not to try it”, I thought. So I had a goal and a dream. Now my life is active and intense.
I graduated from the university twice, took part in the reality TV show, became the winner of the All-Ukrainian beauty contest for girls in wheelchairs. I try to do my best to become a photo model, collaborate with photographers, advertise decorations and clothes. I am keeping my beauty blog, where I help girls with weak-working hands to be beautiful. I try to motivate them by my example. And also I am the creator of the first charitable foundation in Ukraine * Unbowed *, whose activities are directed at the sphere of fashion and beauty. I demonstrate my lifestyle to girls like me and try to persuade them that even in a wheelchair, a girl can be beautiful, successful, beloved and independent.