Disability Fashion Stylist
I'm also able to assist clients with short term and long term injuries
Contact us
Hi, I'm Stephanie Thomas a Disability Fashion Stylist, and I've followed clothing trends for people with disabilities for 25 years. In 2004 I developed the Disability Fashion Styling System which is what I use when I'm dressing all of my clients. I work as a stylist through my company Cur8able, a lifestyle brand dedicated to helping people with disabilities live out loud and in style. Please feel free to contact me on Instagram: @cur8able & @disabilityfashionstylist
Life is beautiful and the power of people is unstoppable!
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Accomplishing my dreams with cp
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Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?
Andreea Lichi
Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?
Andreea Lichi
Healing is happening- what is wrong with me?
Andreea Lichi