People on the internet call me Fishy and I live with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I wasn't diagnosed until I was about 19 years old and it's affected me in every way possible. Throughout my life, I knew that I had issues with how my body functioned compared to others my age. Throughout these last few years I've accepted I need the help of mobility aids, medication, assistive devices, and most importantly help from family and friends. I use a wheelchair about 80% of the time as it's hard for me to walk without being in pain. It definitely is hard, but I do have hobbies like other people my age. I love to travel and try new restaurants, and one day I want to see the world even if I'm on wheels. Being in my 20s I see my peers having many different experiences than me, which can be tough. However, I want to try and live in a way that is meaningful to me despite all the physical pain I am in. I still have trouble accepting that I am disabled and that I need to take things at my own pace, but I am hoping that the more I talk about it, the more okay I will be. Remember, each day is a new day. If you need to take a break, that's okay! You know you have one body and you need to make sure you can take care of it as best as possible.