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Cerebral Palsy and Dystonia are not holding me back in life!

Learn about me :)

Hi. My name is Djimon (pronounced Desh-Mon). I'm 19 years old and have Spastic Cerebral Palsy and Dystonia. Since I was born this way, I don't know anything different. I use my head to drive my power chair, and my mouth to control my iPad and PS3 Controller. I can do most things with a little adaptation. I was in General Ed classes at school since pre-school with a few hours with SPED Teachers. I graduated High School in May and will be looking for a job soon. I was the first "kid" with Dystonia to have Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery at Colorado's Children's Hospital. I love sports and although I live in Colorado, my favorite football teams are the Raiders and Ohio State. I love girls, concerts and hanging out with my friends.



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Cerebral Palsy and Dystonia are not holding me back in life!

Hi. My name is Djimon (pronounced Desh-Mon). I'm 19 years old and have Spastic Cerebral Palsy and Dystonia. Since I was born this way, I don
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