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Filled With Dreams

Dream Even if You have CP

Hey. I am Kathleen D. Cruz @iamkathleencruz from the Philippines. I was diagnosed when I was eight months old with cerebral palsy. I cannot walk and my hands are spastic. So my feet have become my hands. Having a CP is hard especially if you have limitations but thankfully I have my parents and siblings to support me. Since I was sixteen years old, I started my dream of becoming a writer because when I write, I feel I become a different person. I can create a different character. I can be who I want to be. It felt like I was creating a different world in my reality. I can find someone who really accepts the person as who she is. Writing is not just a hobby, it has become my world. It makes me happy. Even though my life has struggles and limitations, I will never stop writing. There have been many rejections when I was submitting my stories to the publishing companies in the Philippines, but rejection became my strength. I pushed myself more to become a better version of who I was. And when the doors closed, one window opened for my dreams. I became a co-writer on a short film named Sulat ng Aking Mga Paa (My Feet Can Write). Since then, that project boosted my confidence and I started to write more and submitted my work in a writing contest. I did win and become an aspiring writer and I had some self-published books. Having a CP is my life, there are my difficult days and struggles, but you can push yourself even if there are limitations. Life is too short to cry, to self pity, to ask yourself why I am this kind of person. So follow your dreams and share your story to the world.



I am Kathleen D. Cruz or Kath for short. I am from the Philippines. I have a cerebral palsy and I con’t walk on my own and I have spastic hands. So my foot become my hands. I was eight months old when I was diagnosed I have a CP.



Kathleen Cruz

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Filled With Dreams

Hey. I am Kathleen D. Cruz @iamkathleencruz from the Philippines. I was diagnosed when I was eight months old with cerebral palsy. I cannot
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