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Finding My Passion

A Little Bit About Me

Throughout my childhood I had a passion for two things, football and video games. It was a dream of mine to play football in college and I was on my way there until my life was changed forever. On September 11, 2009, during a high school football game I made a tackle. All of the sudden, I was down and couldn’t move. I broke my neck at the C5 level and was instantly paralyzed at just 16 years old. After a nine hour surgery and almost losing my life to pneumonia, I made it through and now I have dedicated my life to physical therapy. I eventually got enrolled into college and am currently working on a degree. Football and other sports remain a passion of mine just more so as a fan now. It can be very difficult to find a new passion or develop a new plan especially after dealing with something so life changing. Still, I wanted a way to explore my other passion of gaming which I've continued to do despite losing most function of my fingers and hands from my injury. I recently started to livestream myself playing video games at hoping to inspire others in the disability community. No matter our limitations or challenges we should still be able to immerse ourselves in a different world and enjoy playing a story. Gaming has recently become much more accessible, and I want to be a part of making this trend continue. It’s still a goal of mine to walk again someday and I continue to make slow progress. I can stand unassisted for seconds at a time and even take some steps with assistance. No matter how tough times get, I want to inspire others to find that strength within you and never give up!

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Finding My Passion

Throughout my childhood I had a passion for two things, football and video games. It was a dream of mine to play football in college and I w
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