Why I decided to start a blog on Cerebral Palsy
Hey, Everyone! I'm Emma. I'm a friend, a college student, a daughter, and a blogger. I also have Cerebral Palsy (CP). Almost a year ago, I decided to start a blog dedicated to sharing my journey with Cerebral Palsy. There are a lot of amazing bloggers, Instagrammers, and Youtubers out there . I was inspired by the fact that they were sharing their storites to help others online and I wanted to be a part of it. So, I took a leap and started That Cerebral Palsy Journey (thatcpchick.wordpress.com).
Now, I am a part of one of the most supportive online communities ever. I decided I would post on here to share my story and read other real and inspiring stories. I hope you will follow me on my journey. It's changing every day, and I'd love to have you come along.