How the Chronic Illnesses began...
My health issues began to take over in 2015. After a good month of severe weight loss (losing a good 20lbs in a week!), dehydration, losing my vision, extreme fatigue, etc - I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Fast forward to 2018, my weight began to drop again. I began noticing blood in my stool for months on. In April, I was finally diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, a severe case of it. I was extremely bloated, so much I had trouble breathing. My resting heart rate was 160+ (bpm). No medications were working for me. I went back into the hospital in May, just to find out that my whole large bowel har perforated and I needed emergency surgery to remove my large intestine. I am now living with an Ileostomy, a bag that saved my life. This whole year has been eye-opening for me. Anxiety and depression have really kept me away from being social. I look at my body and sometimes, I hate the way I look. It has been a constant battle, having to accept how things are now. Having to deal with two chronic illnesses, along with college and work has been a real pain - but a huge accomplishment as well. “and here you are living, despite it all” (Rupi Kaur), for anyone who needs it. 💛