My Story- Accessibility with Aspen Sage
Hello! My name is Aspen Sage & this is my story. In September 2021, I was inpatient for mental health after experiencing a traumatic event that led me to ask for help. On September 21st, 2021 after being inpatient for 23 days, I was forced to take a medication that I was allergic to by "medical professionals" who were supposed to be there to help me get better. My body went tingly and I lost complete movement and sensation from the neck down. About a week later, I was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder. Functional Neurological Disorder is a miscommunication between the brain and the body. With FND the brain doesn't properly send or receive signals which results in my Paralysis, Seizures, Migraines, Chronic Pain, Poor Memory/ Sensory Overload, and More. In November 2021, I slowly regained movement and feeling from my neck to my waist after having Covid-19 and not being able to keep my medications down. I've been fighting for my life since this day and have at least 6 appointments a week and continue to fight to see specialists. On August 7th, 2023 after fighting to see a neurologist for 2 years, I was diagnosed with Paraplegia at a T9 level. I finally have a neurologist who is concerned about my case and is ready to find the result of the problem. I waited 2 years for a doctor to say I was paralyzed, instead of blaming everything on my mental health. These pictures/videos only show a portion of my day to day life. I continue fighting every single day. I go from traveling when I can to hospital and doctor visits. Don't take life for granted, your life can change in a snap.