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I take the pain and weakness day-to-day while attempting to do some of my favorite things

My name is Brittany and I was born with Spina Bifida (L4-S1). Unlike most, I was born able to walk. Now, my legs are weakening and I use a wheelchair about 85% of the time. That number is only going to increase. It's a hard pill to swallow, but this is round two of not being able to walk much. Ten years ago I was diagnosed with Arachnoiditis and Mom was told I'd be paralyzed within a few months. I used a chair, but could still walk short distances. I was gutted at the time but am better prepared mentally these days. Despite the new changes, I'm enjoying what I've got by volunteering at my elementary school and helping homeschool two of my buddies. I also love sports, so have taken up WCMX, enjoy playing basketball and have completed several 5K's. I also went surfing last month thanks to Life Rolls On Foundation- what a blast that was! I take the pain and weakness day-to-day while attempting to do some of my favorite things.

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My name is Brittany and I was born with Spina Bifida (L4-S1). Unlike most, I was born able to walk. Now, my legs are weakening and I use a w
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