The power of will and the ability of the human spirit will always triumph. After intense work finally started walking on his own after a spinal cord injury. May the progress continue!
The power of will and the ability of the human spirit will always triumph. After intense work finally started walking on his own after a spinal cord injury. May the progress continue!
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Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Andreea Lichi
Daily living and Mobility
Sports Fitness Dance