Wings for Life Ambassador Steph Aiello Does Pro Surfer Carissa Moore's Makeup
Life’s tragedies didn’t keep her down from pursuing her dream of becoming a professional makeup artist. After suffering two horrific car accidents, one of which rendered her a quadriplegic, and a cancer diagnosis, Steph remains optimistic and continues to practice her craft in her unique way, as seen on her YouTube channel ( and Instagram account ( ). She recently worked on her first client, professional surfer Carissa Moore, to prepare Moore for her wedding in December. We had a chance to talk with her about this experience and life in general.
Q: What was the process like with your occupational therapist discovering the best way for you to do makeup?
Steph Aiello: Frustrating because I was so used to doing makeup one way and for someone to come in and not be as experienced as I was, it was frustrating. But I wouldn't have tried it if it weren't for her so it was also motivating.
Q: How was it meeting Carissa Moore?
SA: That was awesome!! It was really, really nice to meet her. She's so humble and sweet and even offered to help me learn to surf! She just made me feel really comfortable. At first, I was so scared and tried to hide my insecurities, but with confidence you just have to fake it until you make it and that's what I told myself before I went in and I ended up feeling good about the outcome of how her makeup looked.
Q: Is makeup to you just for fun or a career?
SA: It's definitely something I want to pursue. I hope one day to have my own makeup brand and to be a celebrity makeup artist.
Q: What are your goals for the future?SA: To continue to meet new people with spinal cord injuries (SCI) and show them that life goes on and to motivate people.
Q: Where do you find your strength and motivation to stay optimistic?SA: I find it in my family and most definitely my friends. Also, in other people who have similar disabilities like myself. I surround myself with amazing people, like the Rollettes dance team, and being around people who I can relate to is really important to me.
Q: What are you most thankful for?
SA: My dad telling me when I was little, "There's no such thing as I can't". I never thought it would make such an impact in my life, but I truly live by that.